:writing_hand: SLEMP SIMRS Khanza Centos 6

:writing_hand: SLEMP SIMRS Khanza Centos 6

- 1 min

Simple Linux Nginx MySQL PHP-FPM Untuk Server SIMRS Khanza di Linux Centos 6 Minimal

Cara penggunaan.

  1. Pastikan server anda sudar terinstall Centos 6 Minimal

  2. Pastikan server anda terhubung ke internet

  3. Login ke server screen shot 2018-07-25 at 14 13 14

  4. Update server dengan perintah
    yum -y update screen shot 2018-07-25 at 14 14 03

  5. Install wget dengan perintah
    yum -y install wget screen shot 2018-07-25 at 14 17 39

  6. Download scriptnya dengan perintah
    wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/basoro/basoro.github.io/master/_/khanza-slemp.sh screen shot 2018-07-25 at 14 18 31

  7. Jalankan instalasi LEMP dan SIMRS Khanza dengan perintah
    sh khanza-slemp.sh screen shot 2018-07-25 at 14 24 24

  8. Tunggu sampai instalasi selesai

  9. Akses panel Simple LEMP Khanza anda di
    Username: admin
    Password: nimda

  10. Tambilan dashboard Simple LEMP Khanza


  1. Lightweight LEMP Panel

  2. Latest SIMRS Khanza Database, WebApps and Dist Packages

  3. Include TinyFileManager to manage Khanza WebApps tiny-filemanager

  4. Include PHPMiniMySQLAdmin to manage SIK Database miniphpmyadmin



Dokter Gigi di RSUD H. Damanhuri - Barabai. Bapak untuk 3 orang anak.


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